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Several breakthroughs in traditional wine packaging

Source: Notetime: 2014-01-13 09:17:07 click: 1064

  Wine market increasingly broad, Wine production factorygradually seek new ways to explore the wine market. Wine is a new packaging approach. Wine production factory packaging through which to attract customers .

  First, pet plastic packaging. Pet plastic packaging has its unique advantages, because it is relatively light weight, easy to carry, can save transportation costs. Pet during transport of the collision or if it is the sound of falling from the car, it will not be broken, so to be able to reduce the economic losses.

  Second, aluminum bottle packaging wine is good. Aluminum bottle packaging material with excellent performance, packaging materials can be recycled, lightweight, shatterproof, no bottles sealed with a cork them, you can eliminate the pollution generated from the source. Therefore, the aluminum bottle packaging is also a good choice.

  Third, the box with packaging. Box with mainly come out of the liquid through the deformation zone, the liquid will not be affected bag outside. If it is not to be turned on, then the impact of secondary usage, so the shelf life effect is obvious.

  Wine production factory for these types of packaging should have an understanding.

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